Book Info:

Title Falling Into Place
Author Amy Zhang
Pages 304 pages
Genre Young Adult, Contemporary
First Published 2014

Reading this book is like watching Euphoria—not because there's a lot explicit content in this book but because all of the characters are either mentally ill or high. 🫠

But at the same time, I can understand this book talks a lot mental health awareness. It shows how the main character is actually depressed but she couldn't ask for helps and even when she asked for help, people think she couldn't be helped anymore, until she choose to do suicide.

The main character is Liz. Liz is the mean girl who bullies people, who hurt people just because she wants to show off. But at the other hand, she also suffers the guilty, the depression, and bulimia.

I can say this book only worth 3.5 because the plot is kinda confusing me. Plotnya maju-mundur-maju-mundur and kinda repetitive especially when the author points out the minutes by minutes before Liz end her life (luckily she was survived).

And until the last page i still don't get it who's the "I” in the narrative? Is it the inner child's Liz? Or her imaginary friend?